Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Race Recap

Well Saturday was my 5K. The one I was completely and utterly unprepared for. And boy did it show!!! I have never felt so awful during a race. The first mile my mom and I both struggled. We reached the water station and I have never wanted water more during a race, it was pathetic. But...but...they had RUN OUT! It was like that moment my whole body and mind just went "ah to heck with it." I kept telling myself to run but the majority of me said "WALK...WALK." And I did. I told my mom to go on without me. She always struggles at the beginning but picks up her momentum after that. I usually start strong and need help at the end so we do well pacing each other. But not today. I never got going. I ended up walking/running the entire thing. I would set goals to run at the light pole or sign then I'd run until the first second my mind said to stop. I just seemed to have no drive. I never got that burst of adrenaline I usually get in races. And I've never felt so ill prepared. I definitely won't be slacking so badly on my training again! Last year, running at a conversational pace, my mom and I finished at 44 minutes. This year my mom finished in 37 minutes and I did it in 42. How I managed to shave 2 minutes off is a mystery to me. I must have gained speed even in my walking pace since last year. It wasn't nearly as much fun as it was last year. Oh well, we all have bad races now and then. I'll pick myself up, dust myself off and try try again.


  1. We all have races like that. Sometimes our body is just not wanting to race. :) the cure for that - sign up for another one and get training lady. :)

  2. at least you eat the time from last year, right? That there in itself shows improvement. :)
