The Wide World of Sports was insanely busy between packet pick ups for the 1/2, other events, the Expo and the kid races so we called my husband to let him know they would need to leave earlier than planned to get a parking spot. We had parked so far back we joked that the walk up would be a 1/2 marathon! I'm ever so thankful I did because had they waited any longer to head over the boys would have missed their races!
My mom and I were anxiously waiting for them to arrive as we listened to them lining the kids up. Once we saw them walking up we raced back to grab the boys to line up. Nicholas (4) ran the 200 m and Bennett (2) ran the 100 m.
I lined up with Bennett and we watched as 3 or 4 waves went out ahead of us. I was getting worried he wouldn't be into it as he didn't seem to have any idea what we were doing. I kept showing him the finish line and telling him "you run there as fast as you can." Finally our wave came, they dropped the rope and we were off. I held his hand the first few feet but then dropped it fully expecting him to take it back. Nope he was off! I could see him smiling so big and running with all his might! It was ADORABLE! He knew to stop at the finish line and got his medal. He was beaming!
We found the family at the sidelines and waited for the rest of the 100 m and start of the 200 m kids to run. My mom and Nicholas were a few waves back but we spotted them easily once they got started. Nicholas started to stop a little before the finish line but my mom gave him a little tap on the back and he finished strong. When Nicholas' race ended Bennett asked if it was his turn again. He was very upset when I told him he was done running. Maybe I've got a budding running partner!
I always get a little teary eyed watching the kids' races. I love the ones who lead the pack and look like they're running for Olympic gold! And the ones who cling to mommy or daddy. I love the ones who fall down and get carried across the finish line. But most of all I love the ones who finish despite overwhelming odds. Last year there was a little boy pushed across the finish line in a wheelchair by his brother. This year was a little girl with Rett Syndrome, held up by her family, who finished. She was last but she got the biggest cheers of anyone. You could tell every step was a struggle but she did it.
Afterwards we quickly headed to lunch. My mom and I were starving!! That's when the pain in my foot started to really act up. I was limping and my entire right foot swelled up. My Achilles' heals started to hurt as well, probably from over compensation. I guess it was just too much for my foot to take in one day. I have a call in to see a podiatrist because I really need to get this fixed permanently soon if I want to run that 1/2 next year!