Well not really missing in ACTION. Haven't had much activity going on lately. My mom and I competed in our second 5K last weekend. It was a very hilly run and after 2 weeks of virtually no running with what few runs I did complete being pure misery it was a hard race for me. Not so bad for my mom! She placed 3rd in her age group and won a medal!! I was 7th out of 10 in my age group. As my dad says "major improvement since high school!" At least I beat 3 people! Just before the half way mark I told her to just go, just run. I had to walk and I didn't want to hold her back. She fought me on it but eventually took off. In the end I finished only a minute behind her. She shaved a good 5 min off our last time, I shaved off 4. I doubt we'll ever be able to say that again!
Since then I haven't done any running. I tried but these shins just keep giving me grief. I think they're better, try again and find out they are worse than I thought. I'm getting very frustrated and discouraged. My heart and mind want to run! My body does not. My littlest boy goes for a follow up appointment with the audiologist in a few weeks. Said audiologist just happens to be located near my running store so I'll be making a for sure stop there to see what I can do about making my shoes a better fit for me. Hoping I can get some comfy inserts to keep these flat feet a movin'! I've heard this can be a daunting task though, maybe for once, just once I'll get lucky first try.
I'm hoping to sign up for a 5 race 5K series happening here this summer. I really want to do it and look forward to the accountability and having a set date goal to train for. But I'm scared I'm not ever going to heal properly! I've been doing the elliptical on the regular now to hopefully heal while still building cardiovascular endurance and leg strength. I don't want to lose ground just because I can't really run right now.
That's my whine for today.
And here's my funny for the day. It is how I feel lately!